Help and Support - Mobile Phone APN Settings iPhone 5 For T-Mobile United States / Cellular Data settings GPRS internet /WAP and MMS

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

APN Settings iPhone 5 For T-Mobile United States / Cellular Data settings GPRS internet /WAP and MMS

APN Settings iPhone 5 For T-Mobile United States

Cellular Data settings GPRS internet /WAP and MMS

APN Settings iPhone 5 For T-Mobile United States / Cellular Data settings GPRS internet /WAP and MMS

APN Settings iPhone 5 For T-Mobile United States / Cellular Data settings GPRS internet /WAP and MMS
T-Mobile APN Settings Mobile Phone usa

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  • Start screen.
1.Choose Settings.
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2.Choose General.

    3.Choose Cellular.
    APN Internet Settings on iPhone 5 iOS 6.0,iOS: Editing APN settings using iPhone Configuration Utility,
    1. Choose Cellular Data, and activate this option.
    2. Choose Cellular Data Network.
      APN on iPhone 4S iOS 6,How To Get The APN unlockit Internet On Jailbroken iPhone 4,Configuration APN sur iPhone ,APN Settings on iOS 4,How to Set APN on an iPhone,Steps to Setup, Enable,iPhone: Using custom APN and unable, Edit APN for iOS 5 ,How to Manually Set-Up
      5.APN Settings Internet :

      Edit your Cellular Data settings :
      1. Under APN, enter epc.tmobile.com .
      2.  Username <Not set>.
      3.  Password <Not set>.

      Return to the Start screen.

      T-Mobile United States / Cellular Data settings GPRS internet /WAP and MMS ,how to ,configuration de la connexion Internet,How to Use an iPhone for
      6.APN Settings MMS :

      Edit your MMS settings :
      1. Under APN, enter epc.tmobile.com.
      2. Username <Not set>.
      3. Password <Not set>.
      4. Under MMSC, enter http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc.
      5. Under MMS Proxy, <Not set> or
      6. Under MMS Max Message Size, enter 1048576.
      7. Return to Cellular.
      8. Return to General.
      9. Return to Settings.
      10. Scroll down.
      11. Choose Messages.
      12. Choose MMS Messaging, and enable this option.
      13. Return to the Start screen.


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